Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Explore the Spirit: Interview With Day1's Peter Wallace on Psalms (with help from Germany)

Explore the Spirit: 454: Interview With Day1's Peter Wallace on Psalms (with help from Germany): "One of America's most popular inspirational voices—Peter Wallace of the Day1 radio network—talks with us about his new book on Psalms, 'Connected.'"

Monday, June 15, 2009

Explore the Spirit: Coming Wednesday

Explore the Spirit: "We've scheduled a special Conversation With Peter Wallace on Wednesday. Peter lives in Atlanta and is the man behind the Day1 radio network that showcases top preachers via radio stations nationwide. He's also a beloved writer of inspirational books. His newest book is 'Connected: You and God in the Psalms.'"

Watch for it!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Naming Our Fears -

Naming Our Fears
Here's the weeklong series on the Psalms on coping with fear from the Faithstreams websites, with links to the videos, discussion forum, and more.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Connected: Now Available!

"Peter Wallace is a beautiful thinker and a deep, humane soul; this book distills that beauty and reveals that depth. We could ask for no better guide to the comfort, the wisdom--and the poetry--that the Psalms hold for us searchers." -- Michael Chabon, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay

“Peter Wallace understands the power of the psalms, and the need to engage them—all of them, praise and lament and confusion alike. Through the use of his own experience—his own inner life—he opens up each of the psalms for us so that we can see them anew, while in his concluding prayers for each section, he acknowledges the difficulty of many of these texts, the trials in many of our lives—and the ongoing goodness of God.” – Greg Garrett, author of Crossing Myself, from the foreword

This devotional treasury is designed to help people of any age, from high school through adulthood, to connect powerfully with the God of the Bible as revealed in the Psalms—the Bible’s songbook. Using 90 selected psalms as a basis for meditation, author Peter Wallace has written a new inspirational guide full of fresh ideas for finding ways to connect with God, with one another, and with the joys and tragedies of the world around us.

Peter Wallace is the host and executive producer of “Day1,” an acclaimed ecumenical radio ministry, and vice-president of the Alliance for Christian Media in Atlanta, Georgia. He is the author of seven books, most recently Out of the Quiet and Living Loved: Knowing Jesus as the Lover of Your Soul.

Part 5 of my video series on fear and the Psalms

Home - FaithStreams Communities: "While fear may pervade a group or situation, it is experienced individually, viscerally, within our own bodies. How can the communities to which we belong help us to deal with our fears? When we are afraid ourselves, how can we even begin to help others?"

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Part 4 of my video series on fear and the Psalms

Home - FaithStreams Communities: "One Christian Scripture has been translated, 'Love casts out fear.' We all love something or someone, but we remain fearful, just the same. In fact, the more we love our families, for example, the more fearful we might become as we consider how they might be affected by an illness or a job loss. Do love and fear simply co-exist inside us, or can one really mitigate the other?"

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Peter Wallace on coping with fear in the Psalms, Part 3: The Cost of Fear

Home - FaithStreams Communities: "One of the great challenges of life is learning when to act on our feelings — and when to ignore them and press on. And no matter how far one progresses spiritually, making the right judgment seems seldom obvious or easy. Perhaps it's only in retrospect that we can see why the shape of fear was so convincing in our lives at the time."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Peter Wallace on coping with fear, part 2

Home - FaithStreams Communities: "Perhaps the times we feel most 'safe' is when we are where we 'belong' -- in our homes, with our families, in our own country. When life calls us to places of 'not belonging' -- such as unemployment or dislocation -- we find ourselves feeling uneasy. Is it possible to enlarge our idea of belonging? Continuing his series on the Psalms and fear, Peter Wallace describes his own 'safe place.' Where is your safe place?"

Monday, June 1, 2009

Speaking to the Soul: Excerpt from Connected at Episcopal Cafe

Speaking to the Soul:
Excerpt from Connected at

My video series on fear and the Psalms begins - FaithStreams Communities

Home - FaithStreams Communities: "Fear Fatigue
The theme for this week is 'Naming It.' Naming what? Our fear. We may want to sidestep the word — calling it discomfort or uncertainty — but many of us will admit to feeling a certain amount of fear when we consider the world around us today. What are the spiritual resources — the beliefs, activities and actions — we can use to cope? All this week, Peter Wallace, author of Connected: You and God in the Psalms, considers how themes in these essential Jewish and Christian spiritual poems remain helpful and relevant."