Connected: You and God in the Psalms is coming in Spring 2009 from Church Publishing/Morehouse.
Sometimes it’s hard for people, young or old, to reconcile their lives in this chaotic, energized, nonsensical world with their faith in God. They want to know what’s really true for them, what they can count on, what they can build their lives on. They want their lives to matter. And yet to them the Bible often seems merely to be an ancient book about dead people who had no idea of the stresses and fears and challenges of living today.
Connected can help. This straightforward, real-world devotional guide is designed to help people of any age, from high school into adulthood, to connect powerfully with the God of the Bible as revealed in the Psalms—the Bible’s songbook. Within the exquisitely emotional lyrics in these songs, readers will find all the feelings, struggles, and fears they face each day. And they’ll find the spiritual resources to help them live authentic, meaningful lives.
Using 90 selected Psalms as a basis for meditations, author Peter Wallace—host of the national radio broadcast Day1—has put together a stimulating new devotional guide that is full of fresh ideas for finding ways to connect with God, with one another, and with the world at large. As a result, readers will gain encouragement and strength to face their uncertain world with the wisdom and love of the God who so deeply loves them.
Peter Wallace is the author of seven devotional books, including Out of the Quiet (NavPress) and Living Loved (Church Publishing/Seabury Books). He is the host and producer of Day1, the weekly radio program featuring preachers from the mainline Protestant churches (